Spray-Applied Waterproofing Membranes (Polyureas)
on order
Tecnocoat P-2049
Two-component, sprayable, aromatic coating suitable for waterproofing, protection and sealing in general. It`s made up of two high reactive liquid components, isocyanates and amines, which are mixed together using specific spray equipment, to form an aromatic, continuous, seamless, high density, solid and elastic pure polyurea membrane, with high mechanical and chemical resistance qualities.
- BRIDGE DECK: coating under asphal on concrete elements of civil engineering (ETE 16/0680 "Liquid Applied Bridge Deck Waterproofing based on pure polyurea")
- ROOFING: Sloped and flat roofs (walkables), balconies and overhangs. (ETA 11/0357 "Liquid Applied Roof Waterproofing Kit, based on pure Polyurea" and BBA 16/5340)
- FLOORING: Car parks with heavy traffic, industrial floor surfaces with waterproofing and hard-wearing requirements (according EN 1504.2); including an approved non-slip finish (ENV-12633:2003)
03.18.0158 | 1 kg/m²/mm | 450 kg (A+B) |